Christophe Jacquet

POCSAG decoder

Two years ago, I did some experiments with the POCSAG paging protocol, that resulted in writing a POCSAG decoder in Java. I have no time and no desire to evolve it into a finished, packaged product, so I’m releasing it “as is” under the GPLv3, for the enjoyment of the radio enthusiast / amateur radio community.

The project is called jPOCSAG.

The program is functional for my own use, but it is not intended to be a stable, released product. Rather, it is a codebase to experiment/play/tinker with, with no warranty of any kind. For these reasons, there is no “executable”; only the source code is available from a Subversion repository. Also, do not expect further updates to the source. I may, or may not, improve the program in the future, depending on my own needs. But feel free to use the code and improve it.

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